Easy crossword puzzles? Follow. Unfollow. Share. Does anyone know of any websites that have easy crossword puzzle books for dementia patients? My mom used to love doing them, and still does on a good day. I got her a book that says "Easy" Crossword puzzles on the front, but she finds them difficult and frustrating.
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Word Search Puzzles. These are samples of our word search puzzles for people with dementia. There are three levels of difficulty, with level one being the easiest. There are no backwards or diagonal words and the type is large and easy to read. Use these samples to determine the appropriate level(s) of difficulty for the person.
their worry about developing dementia was similar to perceived likelihood. Overall, 73 percent reported engaging in at least one strategy to help maintain or improve memory, including doing crossword …
Contrary to popular belief doing crossword puzzles and Sudoku puzzles on a regular basis cannot keep dementia away finds a new study. The study appears in the latest issue of the journal BMJ. There …
Crossword puzzles strengthen the brain. Doing something that’s enjoyable and mentally stimulating improves your senior’s quality of life. We found a great website with free large print crossword puzzles your older adult will love. In addition to the fun, studies have shown that brain exercises can keep seniors sharper for up to 10 years longer.
We offer a full range of puzzles created specifically for dementia patients. They have been designed to enable the person to complete the puzzle, giving them a sense of pride and accomplishment. From word searches to jigsaw puzzles to our unique Sequenced Crossword Puzzle, you’ll find a suitable dementia puzzle for almost anyone.
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Other studies include the bronx aging study, which showed that dementia patients who did crossword puzzles started to lose …